Course curriculum

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    MODULE 1 - Wise Goddess

    • Wise Goddess Introduction

    • Wise Goddess Ice Breaker

    • I am a Conscious Creator Fear Dive

    • Step #1 - Radical Honesty

    • Step #2 - Radical Responsibility

    • Share Your Favorite Birth Affirmation

    • Step #3 - Radical Self-Love

    • Movement Warm Up

    • Wise Goddess Meditation

    • Wise Goddess Magic Movement

    • Closing Word

    • Your Homework

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    MODULE 2 - Solid Birth Plan

    • 3 Things To Consider While Creating Your Birth Plan

    • Should This Person be at your Birth?

    • Top Biggest Mistakes Pregnant Women Make

    • Your List Of Birth Options

    • Share Your Birth Plan

    • Birth Plan Form

    • Birth Visualization

    • Your Homework

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    MODULE 3 - Earth Goddess

    • Earth Goddess Introduction

    • Earth Goddess Ice Breaker

    • Smiling Cervix

    • 3 Part Breath Work Series

    • Movement Warm Up

    • Earth Goddess Meditation

    • Earth Goddess Magic Movement

    • Closing Word

    • Your Homework

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    MODULE 4 - Water Goddess

    • Water Goddess Introduction

    • Water Goddess Ice Breaker

    • 4 Essential Baby Bonding Keys

    • Movement Warm Up

    • Water Goddess Meditation

    • Water Goddess Magic Movement

    • Closing Word

    • Your Homework

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    MODULE 5 - Bliss Goddess

    • Bliss Goddess Introduction

    • Bliss Goddess Ice Breaker

    • 3 Positions For Quick, Safe, and Easy Birthing

    • What To Expect During Birth

    • Bliss Goddess Meditation

    • Movement Warm Up

    • Bliss Goddess Magic Movement

    • Closing Word

    • 30 Day Self-Care Challenge

    • Your Homework

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    MODULE 6 - Healthy Eating

    • Bliss Meal Plan Introduction

    • 7 Tips For Eating Healthy While Pregnant

    • Food Cravings Chart

    • Foods To Avoid During Pregnancy

    • Your Ready-Made Shopping List

    • Share Your Food Cravings or Aversions

    • Delicious & Nutritious Recipes

    • Your Homework

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    MODULE 7 - Boobs Are Magic

    • Self-Breast Massage Introduction

    • Benefits and Materials Needed for this Module

    • Gathering & Dispersing Energy

    • Gentle Breast Stretches

    • Quick Breast Circles

    • The Brush Down

    • Your Homework

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    MODULE 8 - Aromatherapy

    • 15 Essential Oils To Use To Give Birth Like A Pro!

    • Which Essential Oils NOT TO USE

    • Share Your EO Experience

    • Your Homework

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    • Feminine Yoga Stretch

    • Feminine Movement Poses

    • Placenta Saving Benefits

    • FAQ

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    • My All Time FAV'S

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    • Support Coaching for your highest Birthing Goddess potential

    • Get a Baby Life Path Reading

    • Heal Your Gut Nutritional Program

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